Saturday 23 November 2013

at the allotment early november 2013

Growing over the allotment forming a world of white magic are the first frosts, winter is up on us. It’s also time to finish enhancing the flow of the allotment by creating a small hugelkultur bed at the far end of the allotment. What is a hugelkultur bed? Paul Wheaton can explain this so much better than I can so check out his article here . I used wood from a plum tree and a large pile of organic material that I never got around to composting this year as the base of our hugelkultur bed then covered it with all the dugout soil from the new paths and our newly created sun sitting space. We’re very happy how it turned out despite the strange looks we kept getting from the alpacas when we were working away in the driving rain, even these seemed to be celebrating our success or something like that, I’m sure by watching the end of the video you may have your own opinions on the lovely alpacas. Left to do now is to bring more mulch to cover the new bed and start planning what we are going to be planting next season.